Measurements and Reporting

Our ESG toolset provides accurate carbon footprint measurements and detailed reports. With state-of-the-art technologies and updated databases, we facilitate data analysis for effective and transparent environmental management.

Co2e Emissions over time
Ghg calculator
Electricity consumed over time

Accuracy in Measurements

Our software guarantees accurate measurements of carbon emissions and other ESG indicators, essential for an effective sustainability strategy.


Integrated Reporting

Generate comprehensive and detailed reports that meet global reporting standards, facilitating communication with stakeholders and regulators.


Advanced Technologies and Analysis

We use cutting-edge technologies to analyze collected data, offering insights that help companies optimize their sustainable practices and improve their ESG performance.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Measure and improve the environmental impact of your products or business processes, moving closer to corporate sustainability.

Emissions indicators
Ghg calculator emissions over time
Electricity consumed over time
Scope 1, 2, 3

LCA - Life Cycle Assessment

Explore the life cycle of your business products to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement, leading your company towards greater sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Coming soon

ESG Materiality Analysis

Gain a clear view of your environmental and social impact with ESG reports compliant with SASB, GRI, and SDGs standards

Emissions indicators
Ghg calculator emissions over time
Electricity consumed over time
Scope 1, 2, 3

Experience the Potential of TreeBlock

Innovation and Sustainability Within Reach

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  • Carbon Footprint Calculator

  • ESG Materiality Analysis

  • Sustainability Report

  • LCA - Life Cycle Assessment

  • ESG Rating

  • Environmental Compensation and Support

  • Energy Communities

The company

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TreeBlock s.r.l
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